Companion gives us the full zoo: Raven (useless), Spider Companion (slows passively, AoE slow active), Boar Companion (Life Regen + 20% All Res passive, AoE Taunt active), Ferret Companion (10% Movement Speed passive, saves 20 points from Paragons), Bat Companion (1 Hatred Regen passive, 50 Hatred generation active) and finally Wolf Companion (15% multiplicative damage bonus for 10 seconds active).Evasive Fire is our generator that activates Focus and Wraps of Clarity for 50% damage increase and damage reduction, respectively.In speedfarming, Seethe is also an option for more Hatred. Vengeance is used for a timed 40% multiplicative damage increase and 50% damage reduction from Dark Heart.They also slow enemies to activate Bane of the Trapped and Cull the Weak. Sentry Polar Station activates the Embodiment of the Marauder (6 ) bonus giving us a massive 60,000% damage multiplier when all 5 are out.Multishot Arsenal is our main DPS skill.Ring of Royal Grandeur ( A1 Bounties, Cubed) This build develops a completely unique playstyle with intriguing interactions (see Mechanics), where you become a tactician, deploying Sentries in strategic spots and letting them wreak havoc on the battlefield at your signal. This build is an Area Damage (AD) build, since Sentries, and most importantly Cluster Arrow s or Multishot they shot, can proc it. Unfortunately, this change also killed the Cluster Bombs build as Hellcat Waistguard does not work with Sentry attacks.

With the changes introduced in Season 25 giving the set back its auto-fire ability and boosting Sentry damage through the (6 ) Bonus, the main source of damage done became once again the turrets instead of the Demon Hunter's attacks. The basic idea is to set up a Sentry line of defense that will boost your and their damage and fire your skills when you do. While it supports variety of different skills, it is most effectively used with Multishot and Cluster Arrow, which are performing at equal levels, although that balance has been shifted by Sanctified Cluster Arrow during Season 27 introducing Sanctified Powers. This however didn't prevent Marauder to shine during Season 2, using this time around Cluster Bombs with wall-bouncing strategies. It dominated the leaderboards during Season 1 thanks to the auto-firing Sentries in combination with the "Slowball" Ball Lightning, before the set lost this ability. The Embodiment of the Marauder Demon Hunter is one of the oldest builds for the class, reaching all the way back before Seasons.